Billing and Insurance

Englewood Health is committed to helping our patients understand their financial obligations and rights associated with their medical care. This website page contains important and helpful information for patients and/or their guarantors. If your questions are not answered on the pages below, please contact our billing department.
Pay Your Bill
For your convenience, we are pleased to offer online bill payment.
Price Estimates and Charges
Englewood Hospital provides information on our standard list of hospital charges. Our chargemaster is available for review, or you can contact us for price estimates.
Financial Assistance and Billing Policies
Learn about charity care, financial assistance, and our billing and collections policy.
Insurance Coverage and Plans
Learn about which plans we accept and questions you should ask your insurance company before your hospital visit.
Protection from Surprise Billing
When you get emergency care or are treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from balance billing.