Health sciences library

Consumer/Patient Health

Health sciences library

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – Eat Right
Nutrition information

ADA – American Dental Association
Oral health information. Includes a dentist finder.

Advance Directive Forms
Advance directive forms by state

Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research
Consumer and physician guidelines for different conditions

American Board of Medical Specialists
Website for the American Board of Medical Specialists to check if a doctor is board certified in a specialty

National Cancer Institute
Cancer research and information

CBS HealthWatch
Consumer health news and information

Children’s Health Information
Information on children’s health conditions/problems

Clinical Trials
Find clinical trials in process on a particular condition or disease

Clinical Trials – From Center Watch
Trial listings and information about clinical research

Consumer Product Information Database
Consumer guide to over 21,000 consumer brands and their health effects

Obtain information about diabetes

Dr. Weil’s Website
Consumer advice plus vitamin adviser

Genetics Home Reference
Consumer friendly information about genetics

Griffin Cares Foundation
Support for families who have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss

Health Insurance Plans
Information about healthcare plans

Your guide to reliable health information

Help Links
Links by NJ State Library for all areas: job finder, finance, insurance, medical information, and more

Lab Tests Online
This site will allow you to search for an explanation of a medical laboratory test. The explanations are very clear and useful

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health
Information and resources on some of the health issues and inequities affecting LGBT communities. Links to other information sources and resources are also provided.

Mayo Clinic
Search here for many health topics

Look up your medications, courtesy of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists’ Med Master Program

A consumer oriented Web site that offers features on diseases and treatments, pharmacy section, medical tests and procedures, etc

Medline Plus
Health Information from the National Library of Medicine

Medline Plus – Spanish
Hundreds of health topics in Spanish

Mental Health
Information from the National Institute of Mental Health

Merck Manual Consumer
Medical topics, symptoms, drug information

New Jersey Health Care Profile
Physicians profile and background

Occupational Therapy – Consumer Fact Sheets
Facts about occupational therapy

PDR – For the Public
Look up the drug information you need at this website

Seniors Health
This website for older adults was developed by the National Institute of Aging and National Library of Medicine. Authoritative site for health information can be adjusted to text size, contrast and speech.

TOXNET: Toxicology Data Network
Group of databases covering chemicals, drugs, diseases, environment, poisoning and regulations

Understanding the Health Needs of LGBT People
From the National LGBT Health Education Center

Consumer information, chat rooms and message boards

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