older couple holding handsPatient Story

Crossing the Country for Bloodless Surgery

Vivian Gonzalez’s story began in her home state of Alaska in 2021, when a small cyst was discovered in her pancreas.

While an initial biopsy ruled out cancer, the cyst continued to grow over the course of the next two years. In 2023, when Vivian went to the emergency room, she learned that the cyst was putting too much pressure on her gallbladder. She would need surgery—a pancreaticoduodenectomy, also known as a Whipple procedure — to remove the cyst. Because Vivian is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, she could not have a procedure that required a blood transfusion. “If I did not accept the blood transfusion, [the surgeon] was not going to treat me,” Vivian says. “It became necessary to start looking at hospitals in other states that might respect this matter regarding transfusions.” 

Finding Her Way to Englewood 

In her search, Vivian used her three decades of experience as a nurse to determine where she would receive the best possible care, and The Bloodless Institute at Englewood Health stood out. Vivian was introduced to Steven T. Brower, MD, Medical Director of The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center, Chief of Surgical Oncology, and leader of the Pancreatic Cancer Program at Englewood Health. Despite the challenges of geography and time difference, Vivian was able to consult with Dr. Brower through video chat, and his expertise and compassion were evident through her screen. “He told me, ‘If they don’t treat you in Alaska, come here. We have a specialized team of providers that can help you’,” Vivian recalls. After the onscreen consultation, Vivian and her family made the 3,493-mile journey across the continent, from Alaska to New Jersey.

Creating a ‘New’ Digestive System 

After Vivian’s hemoglobin levels were optimized to help her be in the best possible condition, it was time for surgery. During the procedure, Dr. Brower cut Vivian’s pancreas near the cyst and then performed a series of reconnections in her gastrointestinal tract. The Whipple is considered one of the most complex procedures performed in pancreatic surgery, and it is one that Dr. Brower has extensive experience with. Finding Her Way to Englewood In her search, Vivian used her three decades of experience as a nurse to determine where she would receive the best possible care, and The Bloodless Institute at Englewood Health stood out. Vivian was introduced to Steven T. Brower, MD, Medical Director of The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center, Chief of Surgical Oncology, and leader of the Pancreatic Cancer Program at “It’s like I have a new digestive system,” Vivian says. Vivian’s recovery after the Whipple procedure was not without its challenges, but the care she received at Englewood Health made a significant difference. “Having been a nurse for 30 years, my knowledge allowed me to see the expertise and professionalism of the doctors and nurses in the hospital,” Vivian says. “I would give them all a 100 percent.”