Allan’s Story – Cancer Care


Blindsided when he was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer, Allan Smith lost hope and thought his active life was over. But his bond with Dr. Steven Brower and words of encouragement from Englewood Health nurses and staff helped Allan believe he could beat his cancer. His advice to other patients walking in his shoes? “No matter how grim it sounds, you have to keep a positive attitude.”

Posted September 30, 2019

High-Risk Care for Expectant Parents Available at Englewood Health

Being told that your pregnancy is considered “high risk” can be one of the most stressful moments in a woman’s life. Almost immediately, images of every worst-case outcome come to mind, and a sense of dread can descend like a dark cloud.

Getting through a pregnancy with any degree of complication requires that you quell such images as best you can and surround yourself with a steadfast support system. Arming yourself with knowledge about your pregnancy—a valuable tool, both practically and emotionally—is possible only by forging a relationship with a skilled and compassionate medical team.

Maternal-fetal medicine specialists are at the forefront of innovation in high-risk pregnancy care. These specialists have completed advanced training on the treatment of high-risk pregnancies—those in which the mother has a chronic health condition, there is an abnormality of the fetus, or unexpected complications arise during pregnancy or childbirth. The specialists work in tandem with your delivering OBGYN to ensure he or she has all the important information they need for you to have a smooth pregnancy.

Nathan Fox, MD
Nathan Fox, MD

One such physician is Nathan Fox, MD, at Englewood Health. “Pregnancies can be classified as high risk for any number of reasons,” says Dr. Fox “You may be expecting twins, you may be of advanced maternal age, you may have pregestational diabetes, or you may have developed preeclampsia during pregnancy.”

Regardless of your particular situation, you can find solace in knowing that there are specialists right here in your own backyard who can work with your care team to help achieve the best possible outcome for your pregnancy.

“High-risk pregnancies can be stressful and scary for both mothers and families,” says Dr. Fox. “My main focus is reassuring everyone and providing care that results in positive outcomes.”

According to Dr. Fox, the field of pregnancy care has exploded in the best possible way—beginning with physicians’ increased ability to detect fetal issues through imaging and blood testing.

“If an issue with the fetus is detected, we are able to monitor the fetus before birth, perform certain procedures if necessary, and craft the best possible birth plan for that individual pregnancy,” Dr. Fox says.

Andrei Rebarber, MD
Andrei Rebarber, MD

Andrei Rebarber, MD, a colleague of Dr. Fox at Englewood Health, recalls that when he was in medical school back in 1989, the field of maternal-fetal medicine was still new, having earned its subspecialty certification in 1977—a time when only about 10 physicians in America were practicing it.

“I was lucky to be able to do a rotation in maternal-fetal medicine at that time, and I saw some amazing cases. One, in particular, stuck with me: a fetal blood transfusion on a baby who was anemic. I remember thinking it miraculous that you could transfuse and save a baby in utero, and I was immediately hooked,” Dr. Rebarber says.

“We recommend that women with chronic health conditions like lupus, diabetes, and chronic hypertension ask their OBGYNs for a referral for a preconception consultation with us, so we can review their medical history, get them on a folic acid regimen, and optimize their health so as to minimize risk during pregnancy,” Dr. Rebarber says.

Women with chronic health conditions may require more frequent appointments with their pregnancy care providers during gestation. Those with diabetes, for example, are at higher risk for structural birth defects in pregnancy and may find that the daily growth of their fetus makes their sugar levels erratic. For this reason, regular appointments to track sugar levels, adjust dosages, and monitor the fetus may be recommended.

At Englewood Health, Dr. Fox and Dr. Rebarber work alongside nutritionists, endocrinologists, genetic counselors, and a team of other specialists to promote the well-being of mothers-to-be with chronic health conditions, and to perform comprehensive testing on all women who are interested in learning more about their pregnancy.

“Today, prenatal testing can be done earlier in gestation than ever before—blood tests can measure hormone levels in the placenta during the first trimester to identify conditions such as Down syndrome. At 10–12 weeks, we can do a procedure called chorionic villus sampling to detect birth defects and a wide array of genetic diseases that are age dependent. We also have enhanced genetic analysis that detects genetic syndromes that are not age dependent,” says Dr. Rebarber.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists currently recommends that all women be offered the option of noninvasive testing (blood tests and ultrasounds), as well as the option of invasive testing (chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis), during pregnancy—all of which can be done at Englewood Health.

“We prioritize building relationships and connecting with our patients,” says Dr. Fox. “We find that when our patients have good reason to trust us, they are calmer throughout the whole pregnancy. We are there both to help improve outcomes for women and their babies, and also to support them if and when complications arise.”

Dr. Fox emphasizes that maternal-fetal medicine specialists are also the experts in ultrasound for all pregnancies, both high- and low-risk. So all mothers-to-be can take comfort in knowing they will likely interact with these specialists as familiar faces during their pregnancies, even if only for routine ultrasounds.

Whether you’re a woman who knows her risk factors and wants to get pregnant, an otherwise healthy woman who is having an unexpectedly complicated pregnancy, or a woman who is just interested in learning more about her pregnancy, a consultation with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist is a great way to prepare yourself with the information you need to make the best choices for yourself and your pregnancy.

Englewood Hospital Achieves Healthgrades 2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award™ Four Years in a Row

September 23, 2019 — Englewood Hospital has announced it has earned the Healthgrades 2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award™, marking its fourth consecutive year as a recipient. This achievement recognizes Englewood Hospital for exceptional clinical outcomes—among the top 10 percent of hospitals evaluated by Healthgrades for obstetrics and gynecology—while caring for women during labor and immediately after delivery of their newborn, as well as women undergoing gynecologic procedures.

“Achieving the Healthgrades Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award over the past four years reflects the dedication of our clinical staff to provide the highest quality, personalized care for women before and throughout the labor and delivery experience,” says Kathleen Kaminsky, MS, RN, NE-BC, senior vice president of patient care services and chief nursing officer at Englewood Health.

The Family Birth Place at Englewood Health features award-winning maternity care services with the experience of a luxury hotel. Board-certified obstetricians and nurses work with expectant mothers to create individualized care plans.

“The Healthgrades 2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award recognizes hospitals that are dedicated to providing quality care for expectant mothers and women who will undergo gynecologic procedures,” said Brad Bowman, MD, chief medical officer at Healthgrades. “Consumers who do their homework by researching the quality of their local hospitals will make more informed healthcare decisions, and it could make a difference in terms of clinical outcomes.”

Healthgrades analyzed patient outcomes data for all patients (all-payer data) provided by 15 individual states between 2015 through 2017. During this time, if all hospitals in the analysis performed similarly to those that received the Healthgrades 2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award, complications could have potentially been avoided for 119,203 patients1.

Additionally, from 2015 through 2017, patients treated in hospitals receiving the Healthgrades Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award had, on average, a 33.4% lower risk of experiencing a complication while in the hospital than if they were treated in hospitals that did not receive the Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award[1].

In addition to earning the Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence award four years in a row, Englewood Hospital has received the Healthgrades Labor and Delivery Excellence Award and has been recognized as a 5-star recipient for Vaginal Delivery and C-Section Delivery.

[1] Statistics are based on Healthgrades’ analysis of all-payer data for years 2015 through 2017 and represent 3-year estimates for patients in 15 states for which all-payer data was made available.

Ask the Doctor: Dr. Thomas Bernik

Doctors use the term “vascular system” to refer to the many roadways of arteries and veins that carry blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. When the flow through these vessels is interrupted, the body cannot function properly.

If you have been diagnosed with a vascular malfunction, such as hardening of the arteries, it may be time to consult with a vascular surgeon. Englewood Health has distinguished itself as a leader in the field of vascular surgery; in fact, Healthgrades® recently named the hospital one of America’s 50 Best Hospitals for vascular surgery. We recently sat down with Thomas Bernik, MD, chief of vascular surgery at Englewood Health and part of the Englewood Health Physician Network, to learn more.

What are the common vascular conditions you see?

Dr. Bernik: At Englewood Health we treat the full range of vascular conditions and disorders, including diseases affecting the arteries and veins. The most common arterial disease we treat is peripheral artery disease, which affects the legs and can lead to pain and an inability to walk or stand. We also treat abdominal and thoracic aneurysms (bulges in the blood vessel wall) and abdominal and thoracic dissections (tears in the lining of the blood vessel wall) as well as carotid artery disease, and kidney and intestinal artery disease. Venous conditions we see include deep vein thrombosis, spider and varicose veins, venous insufficiency and ulcers, and pelvic vein disease. We also specialize in the treatment of pulmonary embolism, a blood clot that occurs in the lungs.

What treatments do vascular surgeons offer?

Dr. Bernik: Our surgeons offer the latest treatments for even the most complex conditions, from abdominal aneurysms to spider veins, to stubborn wounds that won’t heal. In the operating room we use minimally invasive techniques and, in many cases, catheter-based procedures, resulting in shorter hospital stays, less pain, and faster recovery time for patients. Our surgeons are also experts in traditional open surgery, if needed. In all cases, we are committed to bloodless surgery, and our program is known around the world for its excellent results after surgery. Our physician assistants and nurse practitioners are specially trained to provide expert post-operative and follow-up care for our patients.

What’s new in vascular treatment?

Dr. Bernik: Among the new vascular surgery services we offer is a treatment called transcarotid artery revascularization (TCAR). Englewood is one of the first hospitals in the region to offer TCAR, a minimally invasive procedure in which the blocked carotid artery is accessed directly through a small incision in the neck. A special catheter is inserted to temporarily divert blood flow away from the brain while the stent is placed. Blood is filtered during the rerouting step, capturing any tiny pieces of plaque that might break free during the procedure, and then returned to the body. Once the stent is placed, minimizing the risk of future stroke, the catheter is removed, and blood flow in the carotid artery returns to its normal direction. TCAR is particularly well suited for patients who are at high risk of complications from conventional carotid surgery due to age, anatomy, or other medical conditions. This safer approach can lead to better outcomes and faster recovery for such patients. In addition, there has been development in the treatment of complex aneurysms involving kidney and intestinal blood vessels. We are now able to selectively revascularize and preserve all blood vessels while repairing these aneurysms, using a minimally invasive approach through punctures in the arms and groin, requiring only an overnight stay.

Posted September 2019

Englewood Hospital Achieves Healthgrades Labor and Delivery Excellence Award™, Named 5-Star Recipient for Vaginal and C-Section Delivery Four Years in a Row

September 17, 2019 — For the fourth consecutive year, Englewood Hospital has received the Healthgrades Labor and Delivery Excellence Award—among the top 10 percent of hospitals evaluated by Healthgrades for clinical excellence in labor and delivery—and has been recognized as a 5-star recipient for Vaginal Delivery and C-Section Delivery by Healthgrades, an online resource for information about physicians and hospitals.

These distinctions place Englewood Hospital in the top 10 percent of all hospitals evaluated for the exceptional care of mothers during and after labor and delivery, and indicate that Englewood Hospital’s clinical outcomes are statistically significantly better than expected for vaginal delivery and C-section delivery care.

“Receiving the Labor and Delivery Excellence Award and the 5-star rating for Vaginal and C-section Delivery in 2019 and over the past four years speaks to our team’s ongoing commitment to prioritize patient safety and quality throughout the labor and delivery process,” says Kathleen Kaminsky, MS, RN, NE-BC, senior vice president of patient care services and chief nursing officer at Englewood Health. “At Englewood Health, we aim to meet and exceed families’ expectations to provide the best possible birthing experience.”

The Family Birth Place at Englewood Health features award-winning maternity care services with the experience of a luxury hotel. Board-certified obstetricians and nurses work with expectant mothers to create individualized care plans.

“The birth of a child is one of life’s most significant milestones. Expectant parents should research and select a hospital with the highest clinical outcomes for the delivery of their baby,” said Brad Bowman, MD, chief medical officer, Healthgrades. “As healthcare trends continue to improve and evolve, patients who select a hospital that is a 5-star recipient can feel confident in their decision when it comes to women’s care.”

To help consumers evaluate and compare hospital performance, Healthgrades analyzed all-payer state data for 15 states, from 2015 through 2017. Healthgrades found that the variation in hospital performance makes a significant difference in terms of clinical outcomes, and that there is a significant variation in hospital quality between those that have received 5-stars and those that have not. For example:

  • From 2015 to 2017, if all hospitals included in the analysis performed similarly to those that received the Healthgrades Labor and Delivery Excellence Award, complications could have potentially been avoided for 105,690 patients1.
  • From 2015 through 2017, patients treated in hospitals receiving the Healthgrades Labor and Delivery Excellence Award had, on average, a 2% lower risk of experiencing a complication while in the hospital than if they were treated in hospitals that did not receive the award[1].
  • From 2015 through 2017, patients having a C-Section Delivery in hospitals rated 5-stars have, on average, a 57-percent lower risk of experiencing a complication while in the hospital than if they were treated by hospitals rated 1-star1.

In addition to earning the Labor and Delivery Excellence Award and the 5-star rating for Vaginal Delivery and C-section Delivery four years in a row, Englewood Hospital has received the Healthgrades Obstetrics and Gynecology Excellence Award for four consecutive years.

[1]  Statistics are based on Healthgrades’ analysis of all-payer data for years 2015 through 2017 and represent 3-year estimates for patients in 15 states for which all-payer data was made available.

What’s Mono and Why Should You Know About It?

News spread last week that Samuel Darnold, quarterback for the New York Jets, has been diagnosed with mononucleosis (more commonly referred to as mono) and will be off the field for the time being. What followed was a flurry of tweets preemptively mourning the Jets season and a whole lot of misinformation spreading about mono.

Many fans were shocked that an adult could even get mono, and that mono could take someone out of a professional sport for several weeks. What may surprise these fans even more is the fact that symptoms from mono can actually persist for months.

“Mono is a virus that your body has to fight on its own; it’s not like strep throat, where you can get a prescription for antibiotics and feel better in a day or two. With mono, just being able to eat can take two weeks—which is why people lose so much weight. Swollen lymph nodes and fatigue can take many weeks to subside,” Ashwin Jathavedam, MD, chief of infectious disease at Englewood Health said.

According to Dr. Jathavedam, it’s not abnormal for a college student who catches mono to miss an entire semester of school while recovering. College-aged, young adults are those most likely to have mono—with the peak incidence between ages 16 to 24.

Causes of Mononucleosis

“Mono is caused by an extremely common virus called Epstein-Barr. Most of us are exposed to this virus at some point—so much so, that when they do blood tests on older adults, around 95% of them have antibodies for Epstein-Barr in their systems. Most of us are able to fight off the virus without getting full-blown mono; others are not as lucky,” Dr. Jathavedam said.

The reason young adults are more likely to have mono is fairly obvious. (See mono’s commonly used moniker: “the kissing disease.”) The most common way to spread Epstein-Barr is through saliva, including by sharing drinks.

Diagnosing and Treating Mononucleosis

Diagnosing mono can be difficult, as it is often mistaken for the flu or, more commonly, strep throat. Many people discover they have mono after being prescribed antibiotics for strep and notice their symptoms persist beyond the 24-48-hour window when strep usually goes away.

Once diagnosed, a person with mono is tasked with riding it out at home, as there is no antiviral regimen that effectively treats mono. A doctor may prescribe medicine to ease the symptoms, like anti-inflammatories or short courses of steroids if there is trouble swallowing. Dr. Jathavedam said the focus of getting through a case of mono should be staying hydrated despite your throat pain—continuing to push fluids and having broth regularly.

The question of when you are no longer contagious with mono is a complex one. You can spread Epstein-Barr while you have an active case of mono, but can also continue to shed the virus after your symptoms have subsided. Those who get the Epstein-Barr virus and never have mono can also spread it.

This is why so many of us are exposed to the virus at some point and, unfortunately, why there is no fool-proof way to prevent getting it, short of living in a plastic bubble. As a rule, not kissing or sharing drinks with people who have active mono is all we can do.

“A major concern for an athlete with mono is that your spleen can get very large and if you are hit while playing it can cause severe, even life-threatening bleeding,” Dr. Jathavedam said.

While it is possible for mono to recur, it is unlikely; and once you fully recover, you can return to your regular activities, confident that mono does not leave any long-term effects.

Following FDA Approval, Englewood Health Expands Use of Transcatheter Valve Replacement for Treating Aortic Stenosis

Englewood Health TAVR team
Members of the Englewood Health TAVR team. Pictured from left to right: Dr. Richard Goldweit, Dr. Joseph DeGregorio, Dr. Aron Schwarcz, Dr. Michael Benz, Dr. Ramin Hastings, Dr. Michael Wilderman, Dr. Lance Kovar, and Dr. Adam Arnofsky.

September 10, 2019 — Patients with severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis in northern New Jersey now have more treatment options at Englewood Hospital. Last month, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) for the treatment of severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis in patients who are determined to be at low risk of complications from open-heart surgery. Previously, the procedure was reserved for high-risk and intermediate-risk patients.

The newly approved indication offers an alternative approach for treatment to a large group of patients for whom open heart surgery was the only option when medical therapy was not effective.

With FDA approval expanded to low-risk patients, the heart team at Englewood Hospital can take into account patient preference in addition to risk factors and other considerations when reviewing treatment options. Compared to open heart surgery for valve repair, the TAVR procedure is significantly less invasive with a much quicker recovery, generally allowing the patient to return home the next day.

TAVR uses balloon-expandable and self-expanding valves, delivered via a catheter into the heart, to provide the best possible outcomes for patients with heart disease. The TAVR team at Englewood Hospital, consisting of both interventional cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons who work together to perform the procedure, has observed a high success rate in TAVR patients, with outcomes better than the national average.

Englewood Hospital was one of the first hospitals in New Jersey to offer the procedure following its approval by the FDA in 2011. Since then, the heart valve team at Englewood has performed more than 600 TAVR procedures, becoming one of the leading centers in New Jersey.

Englewood Orthopedic Associates Joins Englewood Health Physician Network

September 4, 2019 — Englewood Orthopedic Associates, a multispecialty orthopedics practice founded more than 40 years ago, has joined Englewood Health Physician Network. As the largest orthopedics practice in Bergen County, its nine orthopedic surgeons and physicians specialize in a range of clinical areas, including conditions of the hip, knee, shoulder, hand, elbow, wrist, foot, ankle, and spine; osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease; pain management; sports medicine; and trauma. New patients are welcome at its practice locations in Englewood and Paramus.

Many of Englewood Orthopedic Associates’ doctors are long-time members of Englewood Hospital’s medical staff and have held leadership positions at the hospital over the years. The specialists now joining the Englewood Health Physician Network are Adam Becker, MD; Damien Davis, MD; Jessica Fleischer, MD; Manesha Lankachandra, MD; David Nguyen, MD; Michael Pizzillo, MD; Peter Salob, MD; Richard Salzer, MD; and Asit Shah, MD, PhD.

“The Englewood Orthopedic Associates team brings expertise in all areas of surgical and non-surgical treatments of orthopedic conditions for adults, adolescents, and children to the Englewood Health Physician Network,” says Asit Shah, MD, PhD, chief of orthopedic surgery, director of the Joint Replacement Center at Englewood Hospital, and an orthopedic surgeon with Englewood Orthopedic Associates. “Whether specializing in joint replacement, pediatric or geriatric orthopedics, sports medicine, or physical medicine, each of these surgeons and physicians is dedicated to providing innovative treatment options to improve function, enhance quality of life, and allow for the quickest recovery possible for each patient.”

He adds, “By joining the Englewood Health Physician Network, our specialists will collaborate closely with primary care doctors and other specialists, through the enhanced communication and improved coordination of care enabled by the network. We now have a shared electronic medical record system and, with these advantages, we will continue to be a trusted resource for patients with bone and joint disease across northern New Jersey.”

Englewood Orthopedic Associates helps restore function in patients with musculoskeletal conditions through a full range of orthopedic services, including minimally invasive joint replacement surgery, physiatry, pain management, trauma care, and work-related injury evaluation and treatment. In addition to orthopedic surgeons, an endocrinologist, a physiatrist, and a group of orthopedic physician assistants, an on-site team of licensed physical therapists at Englewood Orthopedics provides rehabilitation services with advanced techniques and the most up-to-date equipment. Walk-in urgent care for bone, joint, and muscle injuries is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

“As our network continues to grow, we remain focused on ensuring that our patients have access to leading care right here, in their own backyard,” says Dr. Stephen Brunnquell, president of the Englewood Health Physician Network. “The specialists at Englewood Orthopedic Associates are leaders in their field and are skilled in the latest techniques and technologies in their subspecialties. This helps to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.”

Englewood Orthopedic Associates Physicians Joining Englewood Health Physician Network

Adam Becker, MD

Dr. Becker is board certified in orthopedic surgery. He specializes in foot and ankle care and surgery for adults and children. His primary clinical interests include leg, ankle, and foot fractures; sports injuries; ankle and foot arthritis; tendon and ligament disorders; bunions; lesser toe deformities; and complex foot and ankle reconstruction, including total ankle replacement surgery. Dr. Becker received his MD from SUNY Upstate Medical University College of Medicine. He did an orthopedic residency at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and a foot and ankle fellowship at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland. He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society.  |  Full profile

Damien I. Davis, MD

Dr. Davis is board certified in orthopedic surgery and holds a subspecialty certificate in Surgery of the Hand (Certificate of Added Qualification-CAQ). His primary clinical interests are disorders of the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. He specializes in traumatic and degenerative conditions of the upper extremity, including nerve compression disorders, and treats both pediatric and adult patients. Dr. Davis received his MD from Georgetown University School of Medicine. He did an orthopedic surgery residency at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, in Manhattan, followed by a hand and upper extremity surgery fellowship at Allegheny General Hospital, in Pittsburgh. He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.  |  Full profile

Jessica Fleischer, MD

Dr. Fleischer is board certified in endocrinology. She specializes in osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases and has particular expertise in the reading and interpretation of bone density tests. She has additional clinical interests in hyperparathyroidism and calcium disorders. Dr. Fleischer received her MD from SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine. She did an internal medicine residency at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, where she was chief resident, followed by an endocrinology fellowship at Columbia University Medical Center.  |  Full profile

Manesha Lankachandra, MD

Dr. Lankachandra is board eligible in orthopedic surgery. She specializes in hand, wrist, and elbow surgery. Her clinical interests include reconstruction, trauma of the upper extremity, and nerve compression disorders. Dr. Lankachandra received her MD from the University of Kansas School of Medicine. She did an orthopedic surgery residency at the University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Medicine, followed by a shoulder and elbow fellowship at MedStar Union Memorial Hospital, in Baltimore, Maryland, and a hand fellowship at the University of California–San Francisco School of Medicine. She is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

David Nguyen, MD

Dr. Nguyen is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation and in pain medicine. His primary clinical interests are musculoskeletal disorders of the spine; upper and lower extremities disorders; and complications of diabetes, joint disease, traumatic brain injury, and pain management. Dr. Nguyen received his MD from the University of California–Davis School of Medicine. He did a physical medicine and rehabilitation residency, during which he was chief resident, as well as a pain medicine fellowship, at the University of California, Los Angeles–Veterans Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. He is a member of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the Association of Academic Physiatrists, the North American Neuromodulation Society, the North American Spine Society, and the Spine Intervention Society.  |  Full profile

Michael F. Pizzillo, MD

Dr. Pizzillo is board certified in orthopedic surgery and holds a subspecialty certificate (Certificate of Added Qualifications-CAQ) in both Surgery of the Hand and in Orthopedic Sports Medicine. He specializes in hand, upper extremity, and shoulder surgery. His clinical interests include arthroscopic surgery, post-traumatic reconstruction, and joint replacement of the hand and upper extremity. Dr. Pizzillo received his MD from SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University Medical College. He completed an orthopedic surgery residency at NYU Langone Medical Center, Bellevue Hospital Center, and the Manhattan VA Medical Center, followed by a hand and upper extremity fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and the New York Society for Surgery of the Hand.  |  Full profile

Peter A. Salob, MD

Dr. Salob is board certified in orthopedic surgery. His primary clinical interests are adult, adolescent, and pediatric sports medicine; knee, shoulder, hip, ankle, and foot injuries and conditions. Dr. Salob received his MD from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. He did an orthopedic surgery residency at Montefiore Medical Center (Albert Einstein College of Medicine), in New York. He did a sports medicine fellowship, with a subspecialty in pediatric trauma and sports-related injuries, at Boston Children’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School). He is a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and a member of the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine.  |  Full profile

Richard Louis Salzer, Jr., MD

Dr. Salzer is board certified in orthopedic surgery. He specializes in consultative orthopedic diagnosis and treatment of the adult patient. His primary clinical interests are adult hip and knee conditions and sports medicine injuries of the hip and knee. Dr. Salzer received his MD from Tufts University School of Medicine. He did a general surgery residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital and St. Paul Hospital (University of Texas), in Dallas, Texas, followed by an orthopedic surgery residency at the Hospital for Special Surgery, in Manhattan. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and a member of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery.  |  Full profile

Asit K. Shah, MD, PhD

Dr. Shah is chief of orthopedic surgery, director of orthopedic implants, and a founding member of the Joint Replacement Center at Englewood Hospital. He is board certified in orthopedic surgery. His clinical interests include minimally invasive knee and hip replacement and complex revision knee and hip reconstruction. Dr. Shah received his MD, as well as a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology, from Jefferson Medical College (now the Sidney Kimmel Medical College) of Thomas Jefferson University, in Philadelphia, where he also completed a National Institutes of Health molecular biology fellowship. He did his orthopedic surgery residency at the Mount Sinai Hospital, in Manhattan, and a hip and knee implant fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, an oral examiner for the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery, and a member of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, and Eastern Orthopedic Association.  |  Full profile

Englewood Health Physician Network: You’ll feel it the moment you meet us.


The Englewood Health Physician Network offers primary care and specialty services to residents of northern New Jersey and beyond. The network’s 400 providers practice at more than 75 locations in six counties, including the nationally recognized Englewood Hospital.

The backbone of the network is the more than 130 primary care practitioners, who are central to managing a patient’s care and streamlining access to specialists. With care coordinators, social workers, quality coordinators, and patient navigators, the practices are putting patients at the forefront, bridging relationships among patients and families and their care teams. In addition to primary care, the network offers specialty services including bariatric surgery, behavioral health, cancer care, cardiology and cardiac surgery, colon and rectal surgery, endocrinology, hematology/oncology, gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery, infectious disease, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, pain medicine and palliative care, podiatry, rheumatology, sleep medicine, urology, and vascular surgery. A single electronic health record system offers full and seamless integration of patient information from the practices in the network and the hospital to support continuity of care.

As a central component of Englewood Health, one of New Jersey’s leading hospitals and healthcare networks, the Englewood Health Physician Network recognizes that relationships are at the heart of providing excellent care, and its providers and staff take the time to understand their patients and deliver what is important to them in their healthcare experience. The practices accept almost all insurances, and many offer extended hours and urgent care and have multilingual providers and staff.

Learn more at

Posted August 2019