Englewood Hospital Achieves Healthgrades 2019 Patient Safety Excellence Award

May 29, 2019 — Englewood Hospital has received the 2019 Patient Safety Excellence Award™ from Healthgrades, placing it among the top 10% of hospitals in the nation for patient safety.

“Receiving the Patient Safety Excellence Award from Healthgrades speaks to the unwavering commitment of our entire staff to ensure that our patients receive the safest and most patient-centered medical care,” says Kathleen Kaminsky, MS, RN, NE-BC, senior vice president of patient care services and chief nursing officer at Englewood Health. “Englewood Health is committed to being a leader in providing high-quality patient care with great outcomes. We focus on ensuring safety in the care we provide to continuously drive our quality improvement efforts.”

During the study period (2015 to 2017), Healthgrades 2019 Patient Safety Excellence Award recipient hospitals demonstrated excellent performance in safety provided for patients in the Medicare population, as measured by objective outcomes (risk-adjusted patient safety indicator rates) for 14 patient safety indicators defined by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).

Healthgrades found that patients treated in hospitals receiving the Patient Safety Excellence Award were, as compared to patients at non-recipient hospitals, on average*:

  • 9% less likely to experience an accidental cut, puncture, perforation, or hemorrhage during medical care.
  • 9% less likely to experience a collapsed lung due to a procedure or surgery in or around the chest.
  • 4% less likely to experience pressure sores or bed sores acquired in the hospital.
  • 57% less likely to experience catheter-related bloodstream infections acquired at the hospital.

In addition, if all hospitals in the country performed at the level of award recipients for each of the 14 Patient Safety Indicators, 127,667 patient safety events could have been avoided.*

“Our staff are dedicated to ensuring that patients throughout our community experience exceptional care at any Englewood Health location, and we are delighted to receive this award,” adds Warren Geller, president and CEO of Englewood Health.

“We are proud to recognize the recipients of the 2019 Healthgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award, which shines a spotlight on the hospitals that are preventing the occurrence of serious, potentially avoidable complications for patients during their hospital stay,” said Brad Bowman, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Healthgrades. “We applaud these hospitals and their commitment to providing the best possible care for every patient.”

View Healthgrades hospital quality methodologies.

* Statistics are calculated from Healthgrades Patient Safety Ratings and Excellence Award methodology which is based primarily on AHRQ technical specifications (Version 5e and 2018) to MedPAR data for years 2015 through 2017 and represent 3-year estimates for Medicare patients only.

Cancer Talk: Roundtable Discussions with Dr. Max Gomez

Colon Cancer Talk

In this roundtable discussion, health reporter Dr. Max Gomez joins four of Englewood Health’s experts to learn the latest information on colon cancer prevention, screening, and treatment. Featured experts:

Steven Brower, MDSteven Brower, MD
Medical Director, The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center
Full profile


Minaxi P. Jhawer, MDMinaxi Jhawer, MD
Chief of Hematology/Oncology
Full profile


Walter Klein, MDWalter Klein, MD
Full profile


Anna Serur, MDAnna Serur, MD
Chief of Colon and Rectal Surgery
Full profile

Warren Geller Named to NJBIZ Health Care Power 50

In the May 13, 2019, issue of NJBIZ, Warren Geller, president and CEO of Englewood Health, was named as among the state’s Health Care Power 50, highlighting the men and women responsible for maintaining the fitness of an industry vital to the state’s economy.

Geller was recognized for his role helping to transform Englewood Health from a community hospital into a leading tertiary health system at the forefront of high-quality care. Since Geller joined Englewood Health in 2009, patient volume and acuity, financial performance, and quality and safety outcomes have all improved. Geller has fostered positive community relations; modernized the hospital’s campus, facilities and technology infrastructure; strengthened key clinical programs; expanded outpatient services; and developed an integrated physician network. Over his career, he has been recognized for building sophisticated clinical services with leading-edge technology, achieving financial stability, and providing community outreach to improve the quality of life for residents of the communities he has served.

Englewood Health Launches Nurse Residency Program

May 7, 2019 — Englewood Health has launched a new nurse residency program, a training initiative designed to ensure that nurses with a year or less of experience transition into practice with skill and confidence. Englewood Health’s acute care hospital is the first healthcare organization in Bergen County and the second in New Jersey to implement the Vizient/American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Nurse Residency Program. Englewood’s initial group of nurse residents began their one-year training program in April. Additional groups of up to 10 newly hired nurses will enter the program every three months.

Kathy Kaminsky
Kathy Kaminsky

“At Englewood Health, we are dedicated to high-quality patient care, nursing excellence and innovations in nursing practice,” says Kathleen Kaminsky, MS, RN, NE-BC, senior vice president of patient care services and chief nursing officer. “We foster a culture of leadership throughout our patient care services, and especially in nursing, to provide outstanding patient safety and evidence-based care. We want our new nurses to succeed and excel in this environment.”

She added, “By supporting nurses in their transition from the academic setting to clinical care, we are fostering a highly qualified staff and better preparing our new nurses for clinical encounters, communicating with other medical professionals, as well as with patients and families, and encouraging them to become future leaders.”

More than 500 healthcare organization across the United States participate in the Vizient/AACN nurse residency program, which not only supports new nurses but also more experienced nurses who are transitioning into new roles. The program teaches skills such as effective decision making and clinical nursing leadership, incorporating research-based evidence into practice, and strengthens their professional commitment to nursing.

Maria Natal-Gopin
Maria Natal-Gopin

“Our ultimate goal is to provide safe, high-quality care by nurses who are skilled and highly competent,” says Maria Natal-Gopin, PhD, RN, MSN, CPHQ, director of the Center for Clinical Practice at Englewood Health. “The nurse residency program will help us support new nurses as they transition into their practice.”

The curriculum focuses on five major areas of development including critical thinking and clinical reasoning, patient safety and leadership, interprofessional leadership, evidence-based practice, and professional progression. Englewood is initially focusing its efforts on new graduate nurses who are hired throughout the hospital.

Nurse residents are required to participate in a 12-month program, which centers on monthly seminars led by subject matter experts. The curriculum provides case studies, simulation activities and lectures to accommodate a variety of learning styles. Residents attend the program as a group and then meet with a facilitator in smaller groups to debrief and reflect, allowing the new nurses to bond and form longer-term support networks.

As part of the program, each nurse has an individual development plan and concludes the residency with an evidence-based practice project to be used in a clinical setting. This project helps them apply concepts learned throughout the program and teaches the resident that they, personally, can contribute to the delivery of safe, high-quality patient care.

Guiding the nurse residency program is an advisory board that includes—in addition to Kaminsky and Natal-Gopin—James McGinty, MD, chief of surgery and surgical services; Felician University’s dean of the School of Nursing, Professor Christine Clouthier Mihal, EdD, RN; and Professor Patricia Munno, MSN, CPN, RN, from the Senior Student Clinical Immersion Program; Elizabeth Galetz, PhD, RN, associate professor at William Paterson University; as well as a number of Englewood Hospital nursing team members.

Like many community hospitals nationwide, Englewood traditionally provided newly graduated nurses with a mentor as they began their clinical careers. During the mentorship, medical/surgical care was emphasized at the expense of specialty units or ambulatory care. Over time, experience revealed that new nurses were so focused on learning the day-to-day tasks of the job that they did not fully benefit from the one-on-one mentoring experience.

With the Vizient/AACN Nurse Residency Program the curriculum can be customized for each nurse resident group, enabling the team to be responsive to the needs of the individual. The nurse residents are given time away from their patient care responsibilities to focus on their professional development.

Englewood Health’s Center for Clinical Practice monitors the progress of both the group and the individual nurses with a survey component provided through the program. By measuring at baseline, three-, six- and 12-month intervals, the team is able to assess the new nurses’ skill development, comfort levels, and confidence, and work to improve any gaps.

“At Englewood Health, we are committed to investing in nursing across all levels, and especially for new graduates so that they can transition successfully and provide the best care” notes Kaminsky.

Partnering for Better Health: How Wellness Coaches Help Clients Achieve Lasting Change

We all want to live healthier, happier lives. Whether that means losing weight, starting an exercise program, getting more sleep, or reducing stress, we strive every day to improve our health and to look and feel our best.

For help, many people turn to the $10 billion self-improvement market, which is awash in quick fixes. Self-help books, fitness websites, and weight-loss apps all promise to help meet our goals. Unfortunately, most of us fail to stick with these programs, and any progress proves to be fleeting.

So how can we get more for our money and efforts? Enter the Wellness Coach. Wellness coaches are trained professionals who work closely with clients to help them initiate and sustain change. Coaches use face-to-face meetings and a series of conversations to help clients identify goals, explore motivations, and consider potential obstacles. Together, the coach and client develop a personalized picture of success called a “wellness vision,” along with a plan to achieve it. “We go below the surface and unearth any negative beliefs or thoughts that could get in the way” of success, says Nina Spiegel, wellness coach at the Graf Center for Integrative Medicine at Englewood Health. The work is actually fun, says Nina. “We’re creating a new possibility at any given age.”

Once a long-term objective has been identified, the coach helps the client reach it by creating an action plan, a series of short-term goals that help change habits gradually and incorporate new behaviors for the long term. Weekly face-to-face meetings keep the client accountable, provide an opportunity to review progress, discuss any challenges that may have been encountered, and make adjustments to help the client stay on track.

A wellness coach considers all aspects of health — physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual. This holistic approach, and the close working relationship between coach and client (something that online programs and apps lack) help ensure success and create lifelong change. According to a recent Mayo Clinic study, wellness coaching provided lasting improvement in all aspects of quality of life as well as reduced depressive symptoms and stress levels in study participants.

A Life-Changing Partnership

Sharon Danzger, 53, a productivity consultant and performance coach from Tenafly, says working with a wellness coach changed her life. “Thanks to her guidance, I lost over 50 pounds and I’ve kept it off,” she says.

Sharon had dieted all her life, losing weight, then regaining it over and over again. When she met with Nina Spiegel, the wellness coach from the Graf Center, Sharon made it clear she had sworn off diets. This worked well since Nina, a holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, and weight loss specialist, never prescribes them.

Rather than devising a diet for Sharon, detailing forbidden foods and calorie restrictions, Nina helped her focus on making small behavioral changes and better food choices throughout the day.

Nina also worked to identify triggers that led Sharon astray. A devoted swimmer, Sharon swims two miles—about one hour—most days. After her workout, she’d arrive home famished and eat whatever was at hand—often food that was loaded with empty calories. To combat cravings and break this defeating cycle, Nina suggested Sharon leave a protein bar in her gym locker. This way she could take a bite right after her workout, fighting any urge to overindulge. Nina also gave her ideas for a high protein, low calorie breakfast that helped fight hunger throughout the day.

Sharon says these simple changes have helped her maintain her 51-pound weight loss for over a year. Nina “was able to identify small changes for me to make that actually had a really big impact,” says Sharon. “I found that I had somebody on this journey with me who cared about my success and was also invested in it.” To this day, Sharon continues to check in with Nina, which helps her stay on track.

Those interested in partnering with a wellness coach can now find one at the Graf Center for Integrative Medicine. Wellness Coaching at the Graf Center is tailored to your unique goals and needs. When and how long you meet with your coach is determined by your scheduling needs and what you hope to accomplish.


$100 for initial 90-minute session. Follow-up sessions are $55 for 30 minutes (6 for $300) or $80 for 60 minutes (6 for $420). To help clients achieve their goals, it is recommended that they use all six sessions within 60 days.

Posted April 2019

American Society of Clinical Oncology Appoints Two Englewood Health Cancer Center Leaders to their Expert Panel

April 25, 2019 — The American Society of Clinical Oncology recently appointed Englewood Health’s Steven T. Brower, MD, medical director of The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center and chief of surgical oncology, and Minaxi P. Jhawer, MD, chief of hematology and oncology, to participate in a panel focused on developing guidelines for systemic therapy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of liver cancer.

As members of the Expert Panel, Dr. Brower and Dr. Jhawer are tasked with drafting and executing a systematic review, and developing treatment recommendations.

ASCO selected Drs. Brower and Jhawer for the significant contributions they would be able to make in shaping guidelines to impact not only local patients, but also patients around the world. Physicians involved in the multidisciplinary care of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) review and follow these guidelines for their care of this complex population of patients.

Minaxi P. Jhawer, MD
Minaxi P. Jhawer, MD

“Over the past six years there have been six new drugs approved for use in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma,” said Dr. Jhawer. “Up until a decade ago we had only one active drug. It’s a tremendous honor and opportunity to be involved in writing the guidelines, which will impact the way we care for this special population of HCC patients who require detailed multidisciplinary care to get the best outcomes.”

Dr. Jhawer is also a national-peer-nominated member of the ASCO Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee, a group of 30 physicians from around the world. This multi-disciplinary panel of physicians provides evidence-based recommendations for treatment of patients with cancer, and serves as a guide for doctors around the world to utilize in their daily practice and care of cancer patients.

Steven Brower, MD
Steven Brower, MD

“We are delighted to be part of the panel and formulate guidelines with the ASCO’s experts in an effort to standardize the treatment and outcome pathways for individuals at risk for HCC,” said Dr. Brower.

The panel will participate in teleconferences to discuss development and application of the guideline.

First in New Jersey: Englewood Health Neurosurgeon Uses Fluorescence Technology to ‘Light Up’ Tumor Cells

April 25, 2019 — Englewood Health is the first hospital in New Jersey to use a novel fluorescent technology that makes brain cancer cells “light up” when viewed through a special microscope. The innovative optical imaging agent—called Gleolan™—enables surgeons to see and remove malignant glioma cells remaining in brain tissue during surgery, while also avoiding parts of the brain responsible for vital functions such as speech and movement.

Kevin Yao, MD
Kevin Yao, MD

“This is game-changing technology for glioma surgery,” explained Kevin Yao, MD, the Englewood Health neurosurgeon who performed the first procedure in early March. He removed a four-centimeter malignant glioma from a woman in her 70s who was experiencing headaches and confusion and had noticed changes in her speech prior to receiving her diagnosis.

High-grade gliomas are highly challenging brain cancers to treat successfully and are not always operable. The tumor often comes back after treatment. So techniques that permit the surgeon to remove as much tumor tissue as possible could enhance a patient’s outcome.

Gleolan is a medication called aminolevulinic acid HCl. The patient drinks the medication two to four hours before receiving anesthesia for the surgery. During the operation, the neurosurgeon views the brain through special blue light filters on a surgical microscope. Under this blue light, Gleolan helps tumor cells to “fluoresce,” glowing a red-violet color. The medication is designed to make cancerous brain cells glow, but not noncancerous cells. Gleolan was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in June 2017 for use during surgery for high-grade gliomas, and is commercially available to all patients.

During the procedure at Englewood Health, Dr. Yao removed the tumor tissue he could see with the naked eye. He then viewed the area through the microscope and could see that there were cancer cells remaining, and was able to remove those as well. “It was empowering because I could actually see the tumor cells and was able to remove more during surgery than I would have been able to without this technology,” he noted.

The technique adds to the arsenal of tools that surgeons use to “map” the location of a brain tumor. Current techniques provide a rough idea of a tumor’s location. However, brain anatomy can change during an operation as the tumor is removed and tissue shifts. Intraoperative MRI is also used to map brain tumor location, but it is costly and resource-intensive, requiring all equipment in the operating room to be MRI-compatible. Unlike existing brain mapping techniques, Gleolan provides real-time information showing exactly where glioma cells are lurking in the brain.

Dr. Yao added that Gleolan, combined with functional imaging and testing, showed him that the patient’s tumor tissue was near, but not in, areas of her brain responsible for speech. “Every extra millimeter of tissue that I remove can improve her survival, but can also dramatically affect her speech. Gleolan allowed me to maximally and safely remove the tumor,” he explained. “I think this approach is going to change the standard of care for glioma surgery.”

Englewood Health Appoints Adam Arnofsky, MD, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery

April 23, 2019 — Englewood Health has appointed Adam G. Arnofsky, MD, chief of cardiothoracic surgery. A member of the hospital’s medical staff, Dr. Arnofsky has been director of cardiac surgery services since 2009. He has served as acting chief since last year’s retirement of Englewood Health’s longtime chief of cardiothoracic surgery, James Klein, MD.

“Dr. Arnofsky is an outstanding surgeon and leader, who will advance our cardiothoracic surgery program into the future,” says Stephen Brunnquell, MD, president of the Englewood Health Physician Network. “Under his leadership, we will continue to focus on serving our community through enhanced access and continuity of care, the availability of advanced medical technology, and continuous improvement of quality and patient safety.”

Dr. Arnofsky is recognized for his clinical expertise and his contributions to the growth of Englewood Health’s Heart and Vascular Institute. Among his many achievements, he was instrumental in planning Englewood Health’s hybrid operating room and co-led the development of Englewood’s highly successful transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) program, now in its seventh year and one of the leading programs in the region. TAVR is a minimally invasive approach to treating patients with aortic stenosis who are at high or intermediate risk for open heart surgery. Dr. Arnofsky has also served on the hospital’s medical staff executive committee.

“Dr. Arnofsky has been key to the successful growth of our cardiac surgery program and the broader Heart and Vascular Institute,” says James McGinty, MD, chief of surgery and surgical services at Englewood Health. “In recent years, some 500 patients a year have chosen Englewood Health for heart surgery, thanks to the high-quality, innovative care provided by Dr. Arnofsky and his colleagues. Among fellow surgeons, Dr. Arnofsky is known for his skill in performing complex procedures, as well as re-operative heart surgery. He is also an expert in bloodless cardiothoracic surgery.”

“I’m proud that patients in our community can count on the cardiothoracic surgery team at Englewood Health, no matter how complex their disease,” says Dr. Arnofsky. “It is an honor to be entrusted with the task of leading this important service, now in its 20th year, as we continue to provide the latest technology and surgical techniques for patients with heart disease, to improve and save lives.”

Dr. Arnofsky received his MD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He did his general surgery residency and cardiothoracic surgery residency at New York University Hospital and obtained additional training in endovascular aortic surgery at the University Medical Center Utrecht, in Utrecht, the Netherlands. He is a member of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and has been selected as a top doctor by Bergen Magazine and Castle Connolly Top Doctors.

Englewood Health Physician Network Opens Multispecialty Practice in Cliffside Park


April 10, 2019 — Last week the Englewood Health Physician Network marked the grand opening of its first multispecialty practice, bringing primary care and specialty care to residents of Cliffside Park and the neighboring community. Englewood Health Physician Network – Cliffside Park offers both primary care and a broad range of commonly accessed specialists to patients in one convenient location. The new practice located at 695 Anderson Avenue, part of the Towne Centre in Cliffside Park, is now accepting patients.

“Our goal is to provide primary care and multispecialty care in the same place for the benefit of our patients,” says Stephen Brunnquell, MD, president of the Englewood Health Physician Network. “Now when a physician sees a patient and their condition requires a referral to a specialist, the physician can make that immediate connection and maybe even an introduction. It’s ultimately better for patient care.”

In addition to internal medicine and family medicine, many common specialties are available at Englewood Health Physician Network – Cliffside Park, including cardiology, endocrinology, pulmonary medicine, and gastroenterology.  Other services, including infectious disease, orthopedics, and rheumatology, will be coming soon.

Selected because of its accessibility by both car and public transportation, the 6,000-square-foot facility, located inside the Towne Centre, includes 12 exam rooms, all new lab and imaging equipment, and modern, well-appointed physician consult offices. Cliffside Park Mayor Thomas Calabrese and council members, along with other town officials and hospital leadership, were present for last week’s ribbon cutting and grand opening.

At Englewood Health Physician Network – Cliffside Park, patients can access primary care for acute, chronic, and routine medical care, school or occupational physicals, immunizations, and travel medicine, as well as onsite testing such as laboratory and imaging studies, EKGs, stress testing, and pulmonary function tests. In the near future, the practice will offer extended hours including early morning and evening hours, as well as Saturday appointments.

“This is equally about convenience and improving patient care,” says Dr. Brunnquell. “Patients are more likely to follow through when the office is familiar to them. Because the specialists are co-located with their primary care physicians, it’s easy. They already know the staff, the building, and the parking. It feels familiar and, therefore, more comfortable. It’s very reassuring for patients.”

By choosing a doctor who is a member of the Englewood Health Physician Network, patients benefit from a shared electronic health record system, which helps improve timely communication between physicians, as well as between physicians and Englewood Hospital. With this medical record system, doctors can access all of their patients’ medical information, read other specialists’ notes, see prior imaging studies and laboratory results, and communicate electronically with other providers throughout the network.

“Our research indicated that Cliffside Park was in need of greater availability of primary care,” says Dr. Brunnquell. “More than ever, convenience is important to patients, and primary and specialty care need to be available where patients can access it. The addition of Englewood Health Physician Network – Cliffside Park is one more way we are meeting the needs of our community.”